Tag Archives: Naive New Beaters

Naive New Beaters

19 Aug

Naive New Beaters


“Pop rapé a sentiment chaloupé”

For those who have already seen Naive New Beaters live you will know what I am talking about: cheesy Choreographies, eccentric tunes, extravagant clothing and most of all a wild sense of humour.

Nicknamed Martin Luther BB King, Eurobelix and David Boring (his actual real name!?), it has all gone up hill for them since the youtube hit video “Live Good”.

They released a debut album “Wallace”  in May on the great Cinq7 label, and if you get your hand on the album listen to “The last badaboum”, it s a great mix of influence from the Beastie Boys & Gorillaz with a bit of “je ne sais quoi…”.

They have been on the road for the past year and it looks like they will keep touring for another few more months, if you get a chance go and see them: the music is a great mix of Rap, Rock and Electro and they ll make you smile.

Anyway, just check the video:

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